Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Camp Suck

The Jonas Brothers. Not only are they the latest rock band, but the latest band to destroy rock forever. When they came out with their CD ‘Jonas Brothers’ lots of people thought they were going to win ‘Best Rock Band Of The Year’. Well no, they did not the Raconteurs won it. The Raconteurs not only one ‘Best Rock Band Of The Year’ they one ‘Best Rock Band Of The Dedicate’ and you can tell that by their hit song ‘Steady as She Goes’. The Jonas Brothers are three brothers (Nick, Joe, and Kevin) with big Egos. All of them play guitar (Do they really?). They dress a little like the Raconteurs in brown suits and ties (if they are copying Jack White I will kick their @$$). In 2007 they guest stared in the Disney hit show “Hannah Montana”. Just like Hannah Montana they think they are rock stars, and since then they are Disney property. It really pisses me off how rock is being misused now. The Brothers do all this stuff and think they are Rock stars. Rock bands do not use computers! And that pain in the a@#$ Hannah Montana, thinking she is all that an making real rack fade away with every swish of her wig and shake in the hips and every computer that tries to make her sound good. Watcher her whine at her Dad every episode or having that bratty smile while she runs around pretending to sing at her concerts sing that she is a rock stair makes me want to throw up. It is embarrassing to say this but I used to think she was good and a role model to my sister, every one is right when they say she is the next Brittany Spears and she is not that far from that to after all those pictures she got and her tattoo. Now I never want to see her face again. Back to the Bros. After seeing clips and hearing some of the new Disney movie ‘Camp Rock’ or what I like to call it ‘Camp Suck’. It is about a girl who goes to a camp that they say is only for people who only rock. And it has the Jonas Brothers. It has not rock at all. There are only three guitars and the rest of the people are pop singers. Since this movie most people think that is what rock is. Well it is not. That is pop. Hannah Montana and The Jonas brothers and the worst High School Musical are not rock at all. I cannot even call them music. Looks like Disney destroyed one type of music like they have been to many other things. But how knows. A band might come up and bring back rock and kick Disney in the spot forever. If Walt was here to see what has happened he would probably kick them in the spot to. Well I guess all new rock music is pop know (With the exception ‘The Raconteurs’). And what ever you do, do not listen to ‘Camp Suck’, Hannah Montana, and MSM,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My New Middle school part 2

Thursday was my last day of school. It seemed like the school year would never end because on Friday I went back for a graduating Ceremony for all the kids that are leaving. Sen was there and another kid that was in my grade. We had to dress up all fancy. If you know me you know I hate fancy stuff. We sat in a tent for about three hours. My language teacher gave a speech about me. After the Ceremony my teacher gave me a bag thing I will always remember.

1. The 'High School Musical' Pencils
If you are wondering the answer is 'no' I hate HSM but there is a funny story to it. I was one of the many kids to forget to bring pencils to class. So my teacher bought HSM pencils. Since many kids (Like me) will not even touch anything HSM and having to use the pencils for the whole class we would remember more. I would always joke around with them and act like a Jack Efron (Biggest jerk) fan and scream and say "Zac Efron LOL!" or "OMG it is Zac Efron he can sing so good With Computers!

2. The Silly Putty
One day I snuck in my sister's silly putty. In class I forgot I had it in my hand and leaned on my hand and got it all over my hair. I spent to whole day trying to get it out.

After I got a picture with most of my teachers and a video of my teacher giving my speech which I will post on soon.
Check up soon,

The speach my teacher gave about me.

Monday, June 9, 2008

My new Middle School

In the 2nd grade I found out I had dyslexia. Dyslexia is a reading and writing problem. Well not a problem many famous people have it like Tom Cruse, Orlando Bloom, and Albert Einstein. When people think of Einstein they think of the one of the smartest people ever. Many people think it is a retartnes. But you use no pills and there is just one part of your brain that does not work right. With most dyslexics they have more strength in one part of the brain then other people. Most of the greatest humans ever have dyslexia. Everyone in my class was reading but me. In that year the students learn about Whales. I thought it was going to be stupid and just a lot of righting and reading. Then I became crazy for whales. I was only thinking "Whales whales whales". I did an Orca project and I remember going on there Internet for pictures but I would always get mad because I could not read what the picture was about and it made me want to learn to read more. But I loved to try to right stories. My family found out about a school that would help me. I started the year there not even reading a phrase and by the end of the year I read the whole Magic Tree House books and the first Harry Potter. I remember I loved reading Magic Tree House. I would read one every day. I loved walking into a room with a big stack of the books and showing people how much I read. I was supposed to go there for two years. The first year was the best. By the 5th grade it was very popular and loaded with spoiled Rich Kids. I went to 5th grade for more math help. They said it would be best it I went to the sixth grade then left. What once was a great school became a spoiled rich kid school. They changed all the leaning stuff and most kids are not learning. Thank god I only have 3 days left.
Last Friday I shadowed my friend who was my first friend at the school and he lives in my town. Every thing seems better there and it is not all about making money and being spoiled. Lots of the kids there are can not wait for me to come and Liam is going there. I think I am ready for this move And I think it is for the best,

I missed the Racontuers!!!!!!! Part 2

Two nights ago I was so close to going to that Racontuers concert. My sisters best friend's Dad had two extra tickets in the third row and he asked all his buddy's and he was about to call me because he new I was a HUGE Jack White fan but he thought it was a school night and it ended at 11:00. I go to sleep at 11:30 every night. I do not think he new that. Well when I become a famous Guitarist I might play with him. Hopefully,

Here is a picture of the Racontuers at a concert (Not the one in boston) In the backround is the capital. My Cousin works there and I was there a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I missed the Racontuers!!!!!!!

I always look on the Racontuers (Jack Whites other band) website incase they come around were I live. This one week I forgot the look and last night they had a concert in Boston! That is 10 miles away from my house. In the paper it said it was one they best concerts they have ever done. My Dad is also a huge Jack White fan and he was also mad that we missed him and even if they were 100 bucks we still would have done. It was strange because I listened to there whole 2nd album and I had a feeling I was missing out on something. Well I should be more care full and make their website my homepage and if they had such a good time maybe they will come back? Hopefully,